Jasmine’s Juice – The Brit Awards 2022

I’m feeling positive about the progression around the inclusion of musicians from underrepresented backgrounds since 2016 when we formed the Equality and Justice Group at The BPI / Brits.

In 2016 I reported on The Brits being unrepresentative of the music listening habits and culture trends of the UK audience in a report for Channel 4 News called #BritsSoWhite

Every year since then things have changed to reflect UK music in ways that weren’t being fairly before.
The overhaul of the Brits voting academy led to a very different set of real, reflective nominations of this countrys’ listening habits on radio, in clubs, in the charts and online streaming.

Some of the BPI Equality, Justice and Equity Group at The Brits 2022

Each year since our committee formed there have been changes behind and in front of the scenes.
Nothing can be perfect but it can always be better. We continue to create change in inclusion in music and media so that it reflects society fairly. There are still so many underrepresented groups not having their voices heard in the music industry. These groups transcend class, race, ability, gender, sexuality, age and more.
I’m so proud of all the change for positive representation that we all continue to strive for.

Congratulations to all the nominees and all the winners at this years show 🎵🎶

It takes a lot of hard work behind the scenes to pull off brilliance annually and showcasing the best musicians of the year

Well done to those gaffers, set designers, lighting Sparks, floor managers, producers, directors, camera crew, script writers, gallery ops,riggers, catering, security, PR and marketing teams, paparazzi waiting in the cold all evening to get those shots for global media.

Inclusion and equity can be a smooth process if everyone in leadership positions and the whole team is invested in positive change. And the BPI team have shown that they are.

Change isn’t easy. Change isn’t fast. But once it starts it proves that it’s the best for business’ bottom line, reputation and social inclusion across the board.

Congratulations to everyone at the BPI and record labels across the country for being unafraid of uncomfortable conversations and instead, relishing the idea of being a part of positive change. 

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