I am humbled and delighted to have been ordered an Officer of the Order of the British Empire in the King’s New Year’s Eve Honours List “For services to Broadcasting and Music and to Equality, Diversity and Inclusion”.
I accept this recognition of my hard work over the years (and BOY have I worked hard, eaten dinner at 1am often in cold shoots & dark edits, juggled multiple jobs across TV, Radio, Columns simultaneously & brought the good fight before it was an official thing!)
I dedicate this award to all those who have supported me – when one of us wins, we all win!
I have been so lucky to have been surrounded by some incredible mentors and colleagues over the years, who mention my name in rooms that I do not have access to, as well as friends who cheer for me and champion me relentlessly. I’m SO lucky!

All I’ve ever wanted to do is a fun job where I can bring joy and an equal playing field to everyone else too.
Honestly, not one day in my life has felt like work. After all , I do for work, (TV, film, music), what most people call fun!
Working in the Creative Arts and the Entertainment industry, has been so unbelievable for a girl like me from a background like mine.
The most motivating and satisfying part of my job has always been to watch a younger trainee, go from being unsure about what they want to do with their lives, to catching a sudden spark of passion and running with it to be successful in their future career.
There’s nothing I like better than to watch juniors that I have trained and mentored become leaders themselves.
My colleagues at every company that I have worked for will testify that I applaud with delight and scream with excitement, every time I see a name of someone I have mentored, pop up on a TV credit list or watch them go on to win Awards and become successful themselves.
I hope they will always remember that there are good people in life who will help them with their aspirations and that they unapologetically deserve the finest things in life too.
I hope those whom I train and mentor who go on to have success themselves will continue paying it forward to others so that our society becomes an exciting, more positive place for our future young people.
There’s nothing so powerful, motivating or satisfying as being the change that we want to see in the world. Being an activist is empowering!
We should all want to take action and make change for our wider society to be its best so that we ALL thrive!
The slightly sad thing is this would have meant so much to my dad if he was still alive. So if there is anything like an afterlife where parents can view life on Earth, I hope that he is pleased by this moment.
Finally, a heartfelt thanks to my secret angels who spent copious time and energy nominating me and writing letters to make this happen!
I’m going to hunt you all down, take you for a fabulous lunch and hug you long and hard until you’re breathless!