South Asian Heritage Month takes place from 18 July – 17 August annually, and celebrates South Asian history, culture, and community, in the UK.
This year’s South Asian heritage month theme was ”Free to be Me”.

There are approximately 5 million people of South Asian Heritage in the UK – South Asian communities form the biggest ethnic minority group in the UK, and we have been present in the UK since the 17th century. We make up 7.5 of the British population!
South Asians in the UK can come from countries like India, Nepal, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Bhutan, Bangladesh, Afghanistan, and more. However, most South Asians in the UK are Indian, followed by Pakistani, and Bangladeshi.
Yet there are so many more self Asian communities and religions existent on these shores.
I myself come from the Zoroastrian, Parsi community and religion. We were the original Persians before the Muslims took over and renamed the country Iran. My original Persian ancestors fled and migrated to various parts of the globe. My dad’s ancestors were in Kenya, East Africa, whilst my mum’s ancestors were welcomed to India.
Some scholars say that tenets of Zoroastrianism helped to shape the major Abrahamic religions—including Judaism, Christianity and Islam—through the influence of the Persian Empire.

This means I’ve had a lifetime explaining my ethnic status and identity repeatedly.
”Have you heard of Zoroastrians?”
Freddie Mercury was a Zoroastrian.
Oh yes!

I’ve not often been included in Asian events because of this ambiguous identity status, but this year I won an award at the annual Asian Woman Of Achievement Awards, and since then I’ve been included in numerous Asian community events. My mum is ecstatic!
I was asked to be on a panel for SOUTH ASIAN HERITAGE MONTH for the HATs Group, which was brilliant as I was sat alongside Asian acting legend Nina Wadia (who is also Zoroastrian), as well as cricketer Monty Panesar.

HATS group do incredible work transporting vulnerable people in the population across the UK, and their staff are always professional, courteous and trustworthy. I’ve experienced this firsthand when my own family members have been in hospital or needed medical assistance – so I ensured to tell all the staff gathered how much I personally appreciated them.
The evening included Bollywood singers, food, dancers, and us having a fun time celebrating being us!
Next I was invited to host a panel at Freemantle Television for their event celebrating South Asian Heritage Month the panel was with the team behind the heat series Defiance on Channel 4.

Defiance has three episodes showcasing the story of how from 1976 to 1981 Britain’s Asian community stood tall against far right violence and the rising tide of racist murders.
The series examines, how British Asians and immigrants were targeted with a campaign of violence and murder as the National front and extremist activity became increasingly prominent.
I was in conversation with the incredible Series Director Satiyesh Manoharajah, and brilliant Series Producer Anoop Pandhal.

The series investigates events ranging from the Southall protests, to the death of Blair Peach, the battle for Brick Lane and the extraordinary story of the Bradford 12.
it was an evening of poetry comedy conversation food drinks and celebration of the South Asians in the TV industry as well as the South Asian stories across TV and film and included other South Asian stories from Britain’s film and television makers.

The two events that I attended mentioned above were brilliant and respected and acknowledged South Asian talent culture and celebrated us with ally’s and peers.

However, it would be remiss of me, not to mention that many companies totally ignore South Asian heritage month – we make up 7.5% of the country – double the black community who are at 3% – and when companies DID put on events, they were mostly woefully inadequate and don’t do them justice.
(I attended one event that hadn’t even been bothered to book a location and held the event in an open reception area, which was completely inappropriate for the function and they served a bowl of crisps olives and wine. Another event served that age old South Asian Cuisine recognised globally – chicken goujons and chips!)
Roll on South Asian Heritage Month 2025 – businesses better step up!